Tuesday, October 25, 2011


ETIQUETTE- You have to be very nice on the interenet.
CONDUCT-  the way you behave and the way you act on the inertenet 
COURTESY- you have to be nice and the way you act you have to be nice on the interenet
TROLL- its a person who gives comments and that is responding to others.
ANONYMOS- someone that you dont know or recongized in any way like who is unknown.
EMOTICON- it is like the facde you give someone and how you do it the way you do it
OBVIOUS- you can understand things and how you do it and to make it do it right so everyone can understand
TONE- the way you type things like if you do all caps then that means you are mad or something so watch how you type
SMS- it is on micsoft and its like you can connect to something else on the computer
ETHICAL- it is where things that can be bad or good and yeah so it can be either one 
UNETHICAL- that you should go and report it if it is bad and go tell someone
LEGAL- that if its part of the law or that is based on something
BOOLEAN SEARCH- that it will limit things if you put like a location and the place you wanna go
URL- it is the thing that is on the top and wheerre you are and how you did it

Friday, October 21, 2011


investigate                                                                                                                                                      I did it well i think i answered all the questions and i did it and the project is good i got it and then you have to do it and then you had to make sure that you did everything right and the answer the questions and the the thing then you will go to the next step and do it. i would give my self a 5 because i got it all down.
design                                                                                                                                                          I had to get 3 songs or the beats in it and do it write 3 different ones and do it and make sure that it made sense and explain everything in it and yeah so it was hard to come up with the song and the beat that it can go with it and do it i would grade myself a 3 because i dont think that i did a good job on this step so i would give myself that and do that. 
plan                                                                                                                                                          You would well i would have to do it and you would have to do everything and get everything set up and do it all day and make sure that everything goes as plan and do it then you would have to do it and then get whatever and go to the next step. i would give my self a 4 because i think i could have done better and the post thing because i didnt know how to post what i was doing but i still did it.
Create                                                                                                                                                     Then i would pick one of the 3 that i made then i would do it right and do it as good as the first one and do it then i would do it and do it and then make sure you can here it and do it then do and make it sound good at the end. i would grade myself a 5 because i think i did a good job on it so i would give myself that grade. 
Evaluate                                                                                                                                                      I did everything i got some 6 graders and they had to hear my project and then they were surveyed on the thing that they hear about it and then you had do it and then make sure that everything was done and then do it i have to grade myself on everything that i did and do it and do it. i would give myself a 4 because i could have done more and fix stuff and make it better and do it correctly and yeah so would give myself a 4 for all of it .

Tuesday, October 4, 2011